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Boxing Day Sales 2025
Temple & Webster Boxing Day Sales 2025 - Enjoy Unmissable Deals for Every Home
The Temple & Webster Boxing Day Sale for 2025 is here, bringing you incredible savings across a wide range of stylish furniture, homewares, and outdoor essentials. Whether you're refreshing your interior spaces or upgrading your outdoor space to get the most out of Summer, our Boxing Day Sales in Australia make it the perfect time to shop. From stylish indoor furniture to our weather-resistant outdoor collection, you'll find something for every corner of your home. Don’t miss our exclusive bedding Boxing Day sale and much-anticipated deals from our Boxing Day bed sale, offering you a range of unbeatable prices on must-have items for your home.
Explore our curated selections designed to fit every style and budget. Here’s a peek at what’s on offer:
Furniture Finds: Update your home with discounts on sofas, dining sets, and more in our Boxing Day furniture sale range, replacing old favourites with new or giving you more options to choose from each day.
Outdoor Essentials: Make your outdoor space summer-ready with our outdoor furniture Boxing Day sale and make the most of the beautiful Aussie summer.
Homeware Delights: Add a touch of elegance to your living spaces with discounted decor in our Boxing Day sales homeware collection, or replace your old decor at a great price.
Rest in Comfort: Transform your bedroom with savings from our bedding Boxing Day sale, featuring premium mattresses, linens, and cozy duvets to help you get a great night’s sleep.
As Australia's leading online retailer of furniture and homewares, we pride ourselves on quality and variety. Whether you’re searching for modern aesthetics, coastal vibes, or functional pieces, our collections blend style and durability effortlessly to give you the best range of choices available online
Frequently Asked Questions.
What days are the Temple & Webster Boxing Day Sale on?
Our Boxing Day Sale begins on December 2025, and runs for a limited time. Be sure to shop early to secure your favourite items before they sell out!
What is the expected shipping time for Boxing Day Sale items?
Enjoy fast and reliable delivery to your doorstep. Our standard shipping times range from 2–7 business days, depending on your location and when the product leaves the warehouse.
What are the best deals available this Boxing Day?
From heavily discounted outdoor furniture to luxurious bedding sets, our Boxing Day sales cater to every need.
Transform your home and garden into a sanctuary with our Boxing Day deals. Shop now to take advantage of these limited-time offers and make your home the perfect reflection of your style this Boxing Day.
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